Under the authority of the actual OPTIMA’s President, Francesco Maria Raimondo, a lasting home base for OPTIMA is being set up at the location of the Herbarium Mediterraneum Panormitanum.

The responsible for running the Secretariat is Gianniantonio Domina, General Secretary of OPTIMA.

The Secretariat keeps OPTIMA’s accounts and the accounts of the commissions. It also administers the membership files and manages the distribution and sale of Current Publications. It works as a liaising centre for the Council and Board members and the Commission activities of our Organization and it is responsible of the publication of the OPTIMA Newsletter.

The General Secretary is personally involved in the organization of Optima Meetings and in other social activities of the life of the association such as the organization of Summer Schools.


Contact information:

Postal address:
OPTIMA secretariat
via Lincoln, 2/A
I-90133 Palermo

E-mail: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

Phone: (+39) 09123891209