OPTIMA is governed by an International Board
The International Board of OPTIMA for the term of office 2019-2025, appointed by tacit election in conformity with OPTIMA's constitution, has the following membership:
Mariam Aghababyan, Armenia
Svetlana Bancheva, Bulgaria
K. Husnu Can Baser, Turkey
Magda Bou-Dagher, Lebanon
Mark Carine, United Kingdom
Cyrille Chatelain, Switzerland
Theophanis Constantinidis, Greece
Gianniantonio Domina, Italy
Mohammed Fennane, Morocco
Werner Greuter, Switzerland
Stephen L. Jury, United Kingdom
Georgia Kamari, Greece
Karol Marhold, Slovak Republic
Frédéric Médail, France
Yamama Naciri, Morocco
George Nakhutsrishvili, Georgia
Christoph Oberprieler, Germany
Dražena Papeš, Croatia
Francesco Maria Raimondo, Italy
Sonja Šiljak-Yakovlev, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Pertti Uotila, Finland
Benito Valdés, Spain
Olja Vasić, Serbia
Ernst Vitek, Austria
Vladimir Vladimirov, Bulgaria