1- Ordinary members receive Flora Mediterraneaand Bocconea download links, announcements, circulars and the OPTIMA Newsletter by e-mail, benefit from reduced rates on page charges for articles written in Flora Mediterranea, for selected publications and when registering for OPTIMA conferences, and have all the rights and benefits to be full member.
Current membership rate is €25.

2- Institutional membersreceive receive announcements and circulars by email, the OPTIMA Newsletter, Flora Mediterranea and Bocconea in print, and benefit from reduced rates on page charges for articles published in Flora Mediterranea and reduced rates for selected publications.
The rate of Current membership is €120.

3- Discounted Ordinary Membersthis rate applies to new members for the first 3 years.
Current membership rate is from 20 €.

4- Ordinary members of OPTIMA + Italian Botanical Society member receive links to download Flora Mediterranea, Bocconea, Italian Botanist and Notiziario della Società Botanica Italiana, announcements, circulars and the Newsletter of OPTIMA by e-mail, the Informatore Botanico Italiano,enjoy reduced rates on the cost of page for articles written in Flora Mediterranea, for selected publications and when registering for OPTIMA conferences, and have all the rights and benefits of full membership.
The current membership rate is €97.50.

5- If you would like to also subscribe to the journal Plant Biosystems the current membership rate is €130.50.

Note that these are one-time payments, if you wish to activate an annual recurring payment, to remember to pay your fees, please contact the secretariat.

OPTIMA Membership

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