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Commission for the Diffusion on Knowledge on Mediterranean Plants (2013-2019)

Chair:        O. Vasić, Beograd

Secretary:        U. Plitmann, Jarusalem

Members:         J. M. Iriondo, Madrid
                       S. L. Jury, Reading
                       J. Mathez, Montpellier



The main task of the Commission is preparing the book: Mediterranean Landscapes for publication until the end of the year 2016 and the editor, O. Vasic will work on it.
After the report on up-to-date preparation of the book given by O. Vasic, the commission discussed about the next project that would be started this year and finisched in the next 3 years. O. vasic will send the report of the commission meeting as well as the proposition for the new project, by -mail, to all members, as well as to the general secretary G. Domina.






This page last updated 13 June, 2016.


