For any use of the data made available in this Database we kindly ask you to quote the following manuscript where it is originally described:
Ciancaleoni S., Raggi R., Barone G., Donnini D., Gigante D., Domina G., Negri V. 2021.
A new list and prioritization of wild plants of socio-economic interest in Italy: towards a conservation strategy.
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems,
Click on the logos after the name to access the resources of the Portal to the Flora of Italy or Acta Plantarum in a new window.
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Found 1 records.
Crop Wild Relative
Cultivated plant related: Rubus idaeus L. subsp. idaeus – European red raspberry; Rubus occidentalis L. – black raspberry; Rubus plicatus Weihe et Nees
Taxon group: TG4; TG4; TG4 (Different values are referred to the related cultivated plants reported above)**********
Distribution: Sardinia
Published assessments, inclusion in Red Lists or EU Directive or Conventions:
Priority: B ‒ This category includes endemic or subendemic taxa, included in ITPGRFA or ISTAT and, although they do not necessarily require specific protection measures, they require monitoring because of their restricted distribution.
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