
For any use of the data made available in this Database we kindly ask you to quote the following manuscript where it is originally described:
Ciancaleoni S., Raggi R., Barone G., Donnini D., Gigante D., Domina G., Negri V. 2021. A new list and prioritization of wild plants of socio-economic interest in Italy: towards a conservation strategy. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems,

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Found 1 records.


Prunus laurocerasus L.

= Laurocerasus officinalis M. Roem.; Cerasus laurocerasus (L.) Dum.Cours.; Padus laurocerasus (L.) Mill.

Crop Wild Relative; Taxon cultivated

Uses: food additive, ornamental, folk medicine, poison, ethnobotanical

Cultivated plant related: Prunus - Taxon Group

Taxon group: TG4


Distribution: Peninsular Italy, Sardinia, Sicily

Published assessments, inclusion in Red Lists or EU Directive or Conventions:

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (Online version): Least Concern

Bilz & al. (2011): LC

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